Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Interesting “Gotch ya’” In PCAD 2006

I was giving a schematic in PCAD from and Engineer with all the usual information. Nothing out of the ordinary. After defining all the mechanical requirements I loaded the netlist into the pcb file. The components were loaded and I placed and routed the board without any issues.
After everything was done, the Gerber files created, the Pick and Place created and the Bill of Materials created and distributed. Something unusual did crop up. The CPU. U1, was not on the Pick and Place file. It was on the BoM and all the components parts needed for this to happen were there and in place.
When I looked at which library the component was coming from I notices the schematic had it coming from one location and the PCB had it coming from another. I looked at the components in those libraries and they were identical, it just that the libraries were in a different order in the SCH than the PCB programs. Easy to fix I moved the library the schematic used up in priority in the PCB program and did a Force Update on that component in the PCB file. That’s all it took and the problem was solved.
But the mystery still remains why this happened. Why did this one component show up in the Pick and Place, but not in the Bill of Material?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I have not used PCAD before but I had to address a similar problem where one component did not appear in the pick and place file although being in the BOM.
    It turned out that the component footprint was not correctly defined. A Pick and Place origin point has to be defined for the footprint itself. This solved the problem.
